Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reflections on Vice

"Daddy, why does that say Tobacco Shop?" We had dropped Kristi and Samuel at the baseball park. The game will still 30 minutes away, and Nathan, Sophie, and I had gone to pick up a pizza. We were on our way back when we passed it on our left.

"Because people can buy tobacco there."

"But why would people want to buy tobacco? It's bad for you."

"So are french fries. Especially if you eat two packs a day." Nathan didn't miss a beat.

"Doesn't smoking destroy your lungs?"

"Yes, it does. And the kind of tobacco you put in your mouth makes your mouth rot out." Silence. Processing.

"Daddy, does it hurt to get your ears pierced?"

"Yes, it hurts a lot. It hurts more than anything you can possibly imagine. The only thing that hurts more is getting a tattoo." A contemplative pause followed. We were almost to the ballpark.

"When I grow up, I'm never going to smoke. Or get my ears pierced. Or get a tattoo, except maybe a baseball one. Or grow my hair long."

"Well, that sounds good, Nate."

"But I probably will have a motorcycle."

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