Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reflections on Vice

"Daddy, why does that say Tobacco Shop?" We had dropped Kristi and Samuel at the baseball park. The game will still 30 minutes away, and Nathan, Sophie, and I had gone to pick up a pizza. We were on our way back when we passed it on our left.

"Because people can buy tobacco there."

"But why would people want to buy tobacco? It's bad for you."

"So are french fries. Especially if you eat two packs a day." Nathan didn't miss a beat.

"Doesn't smoking destroy your lungs?"

"Yes, it does. And the kind of tobacco you put in your mouth makes your mouth rot out." Silence. Processing.

"Daddy, does it hurt to get your ears pierced?"

"Yes, it hurts a lot. It hurts more than anything you can possibly imagine. The only thing that hurts more is getting a tattoo." A contemplative pause followed. We were almost to the ballpark.

"When I grow up, I'm never going to smoke. Or get my ears pierced. Or get a tattoo, except maybe a baseball one. Or grow my hair long."

"Well, that sounds good, Nate."

"But I probably will have a motorcycle."

Rineco Defeats Farm Bureau on McFarland's 2-run Double

Bryant, AR - Despite a random strike zone and nonlinear counting by the plate umpire, Rineco AA defeated Farm Bureau 11-9 on Samuel McFarland's 2 run double to right field. Rineco AAA held Farm Bureau 2-1 until the final inning, when Farm Bureau took advantage of pitching trouble with a 6 run rally. Rineco was unable to come back in the bottom of the 5th, and lost the contest 2-7.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Book Review - Man-Eaters of Kumaon by Jim Corbett

"For a long minute I stared at this motionless object, until I was convinced that it was the tip of the tiger's tail. If the tail was pointing away from me the head must obviously be towards me, and as the ledge was only some two feet wide, the tiger could only be crouching down and waiting to spring the moment my head appeared over the bole of the tree. The tip of the tail was twenty feet from me, and allowing eight feet for the tiger's length while crouching, his head would be twelve feet away."

Twelve feet away.

Have you ever watched a house cat patiently stalk a bird or mouse? Have you ever imagined being the mouse? It's hard to fathom an entire village or countryside living for years in daily fear of being eaten by a man-eating tiger. But during the early part of the 20th century, many inhabitants of off-the-beaten-path areas in India lived in such a state. Jim Corbett, expert hunter, naturalist, and author, performed a live-saving service for the people of India by putting an end to many of these animals in the 1930's and 1940's. He succeeded by entering the Tigers' minds, anticipating their behavior, and beating them at their own game - if sometimes only by a whisker. This book tells the tales of eight of these chess matches between masters.

Corbett details both imagery and action in a vivid yet unexcited manner. His use of energetic adverbs and adjectives as well as exclamation points is sparse - the simple facts of the situation are enough to bring the reader into the jungle.

"Without taking my eyes off him I groped with my hand on the hillside and picked up a stone that filled my hand as comfortably as a cricket ball. The snake had just reached a sharp ridge of hard clay when the stone, launched with the utmost energy I was capable of, struck it on the back of the head. The blow would have killed any other snake outright, but the only, and very alarming, effect it had on the hamadryad was to make it whip round and come straight towards me."

I omitted the previous text about the snake being 14 feet long.

Some of the author's details seem almost humorous when juxtaposed against the matter-of-fact and bloody details of a tiger's recent kills. For example, no proper hunt would be complete without tea.

"My forty-pound tent had been pitched in a field of stubble a hundred yards from the village, and I had hardly reached it before tea was laid out for me on a table improvised out of a couple of suit-cases and planks borrowed from the village."

That said, Corbett does not come across as a Great White Hunter looking to bag yet another trophy for the lodge back in Oxford. He only hunted man-eaters, and he regarded it as a service and a duty. His deep respect for the tigers comes through in his writing.

My boys and I read this book as a bedtime story over the course of four months. I was a bit concerned they might lay awake at night entertaining visions of tigers breaking through the window to carry them off into the woods. But I think they must have dreamed instead of being Major Jim Corbett - stalking alone through the jungle, anticipating the tiger's next move.

Book Review - Old Testament History, by Charles Pfeiffer

This book provides a detailed look at the history of the ancient world as it directly relates to events in the Old Testament and the Jewish people. The geographic, political, cultural, and religious aspects of those times and places provide a necessary context to better understand the OT writers, their writings, and their audience. The author of this book is admittedly sympathetic to a traditional, Biblical view of history. However, many, if not most, world events after the Divided Kingdom seem to be thoroughly documented with extra-Biblical sources.

While the book is filled with information, the writing style is not overly academic and would be easy for the casual reader to follow.

The edition I read was published in the early 1970s. Perhaps more discoveries since that time have provided additional information either supporting or contradicting the conclusions in this book. For this reason, I might recommend a more current version or a newer work entirely. In addition, this book could use more tables, charts, timelines, and better photos.

All said, this book has given me a better understanding of the cultural context surrounding the Biblical OT narrative.

Buy a copy of Old Testament History at

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hope Lives

Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!

Luke 24:5b-6a

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sock Incompetence

I am proud to say my Frankenstein lawnmower is still cutting grass 13 years after it rolled off the showroom floor at Sam's. It is held together by zip ties, bicycle cables, part of a lawn chair, and my own will and ingenuity. I have two degrees in Electrical Engineering. Given enough tinkertoys and enough time, I am confident I could build a computer. Throughout my career, I have been directly responsible for securing and executing millions of dollars in business for my company. I solve the "hard" Sudoku puzzles in the back of the Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine.

But I am unable to match socks.

I discovered this troubling fact about myself the other night while trying to help fold clothes. Shockingly, not all socks are the same. Yes, I can tell white socks from non-white socks. I can also tell (usually) adult socks from kid socks. But did you know there are white socks with pink "Hanes" lettering on the toes? Blue lettering? Gray lettering? Gray heels? Gray toes? Dark stitching? No stitching? Worn out sock? New socks? In between socks? How did I never see this?

Fortunately, I have a good wife who helped me understand Sock Taxonomy.

Guess I'll stick with tinkertoys.

Who Knew a Cell Phone Could Do All This?

I got a friendly email this morning with some "hidden" things your cell phone will do. They are all bogus, of course. I replied with my own list of hidden super-features. Which list might actually save your life some day? You be the judge.

My list:

#5 If you're ever trapped in an elevator with MacGyver and the power goes out, simply wire the battery from your cell phone to the elevator controls. It will provide enough power to open the doors so you can crawl out.

#6 If you find yourself stranded on a desert island with no food, remember that Blackberries are edible. The consonants can be eaten directly and provide much-needed protein. The vowels are somewhat bitter, but can be brewed into a more pleasant-tasting tea. (The battery itself is not edible, and should be saved in case of elevator emergency - see #5)

#7 Cell phone games can be used effectively to distract a 4-year-old who has to get a shot at the doctor's office.

#8 Your cell phone can be used to change the results of local elections. Suppose your local school district was trying to raise your already-too-high property taxes to pay for "much needed" infrastructure? Simply use your cell phone to call any like-minded voters and work them into an appropriate level of outrage. You can also call not-so-like-minded voters and tell them the election is a day later.

#9 Imagine the Government is on your case for opposing Much Needed Infrastructure and sends Jack-Booted Thugs to bring you in. Your cell phone can help! A carefully aimed throw at the nose of the lead Thug can distract him long enough for you to pick up his rifle and take out the remainder of the Gang. (An old-school "brick" type cell phone can actually be an advantage here!)

The Chain-Letter List:

5 Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do
For all the folks with cell phones. (This should be printed and kept in your
car, purse, and wallet. Good information to have with you.)

There are a few things that can be don e in times of grave
Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for
survival. Check out the things that you can do with it:

The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find Yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to Establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is
locked. Try it out.

Have you locked your keys in the car?
Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good
reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys In the car and the spare keys
are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold
your cell phone about a foot From your car door and have the person at your home
press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end.. Your car
will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no
object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who
has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).

Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a
cell phone!'

Hidden Battery Power
Imagine your cell battery is very low.. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your
cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50%
increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell
phone next time.

How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your
phone: *#06#. A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique
to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

If your phone gets stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them
this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief
changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get
your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it
either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing
mobile phones.

And Finally.....

Free Directory Service for Cells

Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information
calls when they don 't have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in
our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to
use the 411 information option, simply dial: (800)FREE411, or (800) 373-3411
without incurring any charge at all. Program this into your cell phone now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Indians Wrap Up AAA Tournament Bid

Bryant, AR - Union Bank Indians AAA were unable to overcome the River Valley Pools juggernaut, despite improvements in pitching. The final score was 2-8. River Valley Pools advances to the next level of the single elimination tournament, while the Indians head back to the practice field to prepare for next week's season opener against Heartland Bank.

(Photo: Houston Colson pitching)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Christmas Cheer

Here is a video of the boys playing Christmas Carols back in December.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Land of the Lost

Remember this one? The dinosaur at the end always freaked me out.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Union Bank 1-2, Rineco 0-2

Long day of baseball. Could have been better. Union Bank AA defeated Next Level AA, then lost the AAA game. The Indians came back to play in the first round of the single-elimination bracket against Thompson Electric and were unable to pull it out.

Rineco AA started strong but couldn't stop Sport Shop AA's rally in the 3rd inning. Samuel McFarland lead scoring with two runs home stolen. Rineco AAA seemed unable to get a hit and lost 5-2.

But the weather was great.

In other news, the Indians perfected their technique for the upcoming Bodily Noises Olympiad to be held June 30th in Pickles Gap, AR.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ghost Chickens in the Sky

Take a look at this demonstration on how "Ghost Chickens in the Sky" should be correctly performed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Indians Win Two in Double-Header

Bryant, AR - The Union Bank Indians outscored Garver Engineering 13-5 in their first game of the Bryant Rookie AA Preseason Tournament. Union Bank AAA also defeated Garver Engineering AAA in the second game 5-2. The Indians were down 2-0, when Boston Heil's triple in the bottom of the 2nd brought Nathan McFarland home and fueled a four-run rally, from which Garver never recovered. Pitching for the Indians were Houston Colson and Boston Heil.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Kristi

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Basketball Season

Team Eley recently wrapped up a great basketball season by winning 2nd place in the regular season and 3rd (?) in the post-season tournament. "This team has come farther than I ever imagined!" exclaimed Coach Eley. Notable awards were given to Nathan McFarland for "Best Offensive Foul" and Garett Nguyen for "Best Celebration."

3-23-2009 Spring Break

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Posting to Facebook

I'm trying to figure out how to automatically link Blog posts into Facebook. Maybe this will work.