Monday, March 19, 2007

Pack 82 Family Campout a Roaring Success

Nights were chilly and days were fun at Pack 82's annual spring campout. This past weekend, a double handful of eager Cub Scouts and half a handful of courageous parents ventured into the vast, unpaved wilderness that is Ross-Rhodes Scout Camp on Lake DeGray.

"Mr. Jason, Do You Have a Band-Aid?"

Bear Cub Logan wasted no time in demonstrating improper pocket knife usage by performing a self-induced partial fingerectomy on his left pinky. A 20 minute drive to the ER and two stiches later, Logan was back in action the next Saturday morning at the district pinewood derby and booting the kickball into the outfield at camp that afternoon. Logan's mom could not be reached for comment.

"Look At the Size of That Thing!"

The campers were pleased to see that the lake had risen to normal levels and the fish were biting. At least one of them, anyway. Mr. Jason reeled in an 18" monster later identified by Mr. Rick as a Northern Pike. After a fish cleaning lesson, the curiously hungry Scouts were treated to bite-sized crispy-fried fish nuggets. Tiger Cub Nathan reported that the Pike, when disembowled, revealed another smaller fish that had been its dinner earlier in the day. There are conflicting reports as to whether Nathan tasted the Fried Pike Nuggets or not.

"Which Way Do We Go Now?"

A chosen few Scouts dared hike the Northern Part of the Orange Trail using only their wits, maps, compasses, and dads for guidance. The beauty of nature in Springtime on this scenic mile-or-so trek was punctuated by scattered beer cans and oil bottles washed up from some careless fisherman. The conscientious Scouts picked up trash until their one trash bag was overflowing; then they thoughtfully left the remaining trash so the next group of hikers could have an opportunity to be conscientious. All Scouts and dads having returned to their point of origin safely and in one piece, the venture was deemed a success.

"Daddy, I Saw Something Right Over There!"

Amid reports of polecat sightings in the vicinity, Cub Scouts were forewarned to avoid all contact with black and white kitty cats. Tiger Cub Nathan, noted for his eagle-keen vision by spotting a red fox from a moving train at 100 yards, believed he saw one of the foul-smelling creatures prowling in a thicket near the lake. Although a second sighting was never confirmed, multiple "hearings" of skunks cracking leaves and breaking twigs kept Nathan far from the area.

"There Goes Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman."

Scouts young and old proved their strength and agility on the ever-popular Climbing Wall. Only the most determined climbers were able to master this twenty foot tall sheer bluff of pressure-treated plywood. Loose bolts and loose grips sent boy after boy plummeting down, down, down into the waiting embrace of pea gravel and dirt. By the end of the camp, only Tiger Scout Nathan (still skunk free) had surmounted over 3/4 of the Wall before he too could hang on no longer. Wolf Cub Samuel commented, "Look at Nathan! He's just like Spiderman!"

"Throw It! Throw It!"

Two undefeated teams of Cub Scouts squared off for a battle royale of Arkansas-Rules Kickball at the Big Grassy Field at Ross-Rhodes Camp. The game was tied at 72 to 72 in the bottom of the 2nd. All Scouts being happy and excited, the game was called and attention was moved to an energetic game of Leap Frog Freeze Tag. At last report, all participants slept well that night.

"Are There Going to Be Any Other Moms Here?"

The unofficial Camp Mother of the Weekend Award goes out to Bradley's Mom for braving the elements and enduring a weekend filled with hardship, bad jokes, and lots of boys. If only one mom was courageous enough to rough it with the Pack, the Scouts were certainly glad it was Bradley's Mom. For Bradley's Mom baked Apple Cobbler. In a Dutch Oven. On the campfire. Three cheers for Bradley's Mom!


Some are born to greatness, and some are born to low estate. Some are destined to eat powdered donuts, while others are fated to dine on bacon, eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns, sausage, and hot coffee. It all depends on how much time you want to spend cleaning up. Next year we shall more carefully plan the division of labor. Next year we shall all breakfast like Cholesterol Kings!

"Knock Knock"

Heard around the Saturday night camp fire:
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Cows go.
Cows go Who?
No, silly! Cows go, "MOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
It only goes downhill from there.

Here are some pictures.

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