Monday, March 5, 2007

London vs. Paris

Here are some of the differences between London and Paris:
  1. London feels much less like a foreign place and much more like just a big city. It almost feels like Manhattan, but not as tall. There are Old Places in London, but they have 21st century glass-walled skyscrapers right next door. Not so in Paris. People speak another language. Signs are in another language. Buildings aren't square. Roads seem random in both width and direction.
  2. Cars in London seem more like American cars. Cars in Paris are tiny.
  3. In London, everyone drives on the left side of the road. In Paris (and just about everywhere else in the world), they drive on the right.
  4. London underground trains (the Tube or Underground) are quite a bit different from the Paris trains (Metro). The tunnels in London are smaller and almost perfectly round. Even the walkways are round - like walking through a big hole. The trains in London are round as well, and they fit snugly in the round tunnels. The London tunnels are also very, very deep, requiring long escalator or elevator rides to access them. Paris trains look more like regular train cars - rectangular in shape - but they ride on big rubber tires like an 18-wheeler. The tunnels in Paris aren't as deep - sometimes only a couple of short flights of stairs takes you right to the track. The tunnels are still round - but they are quite a bit bigger. The trains aren't crammed in with a perfect fit.
  5. Most of the buses in London are the double decker variety. They are also red. Paris buses are green and single level.
  6. London has war hero monuments everywhere. I didn't see as many in Paris. Maybe the French were just hiding them from me.
  7. The main difference between London and Paris is the lack of dogs and associated dog poop scattered all over the sidewalks. The French can't seem to pick up after themselves.

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