Thursday, May 28, 2009


"Daddy!" The coefficient of static friction was not great enough to keep the white 14" tires upright as she sped 'round the corner onto the gravel driveway. I had anticipated this moment for a while now. The First Bicycle Wreck is a big moment in one's life, and I wanted this one to be special for her.

"Get up, you're OK." I was pretty sure she was OK. It was a slow-motion crash on loose gravel. A high-speed crash on pavement would certainly have been worse. Although gravel crashes have a special place in our family's history. Uncle Mike could say more about that.

"No I'm not!" Sophie begged to differ. But even in defiance, the tangle of pink steel tubing and curly blond hair began to unwind itself. I saw a bit of red on a knee. Otherwise, nothing but dirt.

"Brush yourself off."

"But Daddy! I crashed!" She examined her hands and began to brush them together even as she proclaimed her injury.

"You'll be OK. Get back on and let's ride home."

"But Daddy!" Sniff, sniff. "I'll just crash all the way home!" Sometimes the hardest part about being a good parent is to keep from laughing.

"Come on, let's go. We'll doctor you up when we get home."

"But you'll have to hold me the whole way!"

"I'll be right here beside you, but you can do it yourself." We were already halfway down the driveway.

"I'm never riding this bike again!"

"Keep pedaling. Watch where you're going." Sometimes the best way to deal with negativity is to wholly ignore it. "Push it all the way into the garage. Here, let me unbuckle your helmet." Good thing for helmets. Wish we had remembered the kneepads.

"Daddy! The water's too cold!" It's important to wash out scrapes and cuts with running water. Especially if the scrape is full of dirt and gravel particles. Cold water is most effective. Probably.

"Dry it off so I can put on this band-aid." Like the sun breaking through stormclouds, the sniffling and snubbing came to an abrupt halt. Behold, The Band-Aid: Fixer of All Boo-Boo's, Dryer of All Tears, Balm of Skint Knees. Magic.

"Sophie, don't run in the house!"

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